CLSB Training Rules 2023 approved

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A major change to the Rules which affects ACLT students is that evidence of qualifying experience is now required over 2 years' full time equivalent, rather than three years' full time equivalent.  In addition, no more than 12 months' experience prior to starting the costs lawyer qualification can be counted towards the two year requirement. However, given the new ACLT qualifying course, the Costs Lawyers Professional Qualification, starting in September 2023 runs over two academic years rather than three, this should not pose any issues to future students.

The final change of relevance to ACLT students is that the CLSB will take over responsibility for sign-off of qualifying experience. Students who pass the ACLT course should submit their application for qualifying experience to the CLSB. If they do not have two years' qualifying experience on completion of the course, they can still apply for a practising licence with conditions.

Full details of the new Training Rules and detailed guidance on qualifying experience requirements is available on the CLSB website.